A little bit about me…

I am a Marianne Leather and I am a certified and insured Feldenkrais Practitioner and member of the UK Feldenkrais Guild.
I have a practice in Lewes, East Sussex on the edge of the South Downs.

People come to the Feldenkrais Method for many different reasons, and get different things from it. I was first introduced to The Feldenkrais Method when I had an injury back in 2003. I was pretty much hooked from the first few classes. I was intrigued at how profound changes could take place using minimal effort. Within a year I was more flexible, without ever stretching, and found a calmness within that was new to me then. Before this I had tried other movement practices, as I wanted to ‘improve my posture’ (being from a family of slouchers). However, again, without trying hard and with little effort, the Feldenkrais Method helped me find more length and uprightness and ease in my movements. I knew it was something that I wanted to explore more deeply, learn from and have alongside me, as I navigated life.

I embarked on a Feldenkrais training in 2010, in Sussex with Feldenkrais ITC and qualified as a practitioner in 2014. I have been teaching group classes since then and seeing individuals for private sessions. In my group classes students come for many different reasons:

  • to rehabilitate from injury or pain

  • many to retain flexibility, coordination and balance as they age

  • to be more upright and comfortable in everyday movements

  • for the calming effects on the nervous system

and for many more reasons.

I am also very fortunate to spend a lot of time in Feldenkrais Trainings with students who are learning to become practitioners, as I am involved with organising and supporting the Feldenkrais International Training Centre.